Friday, August 24, 2007

Of Blessings and Opportunities

My brother, had the opportunity to meet the lead singer of PCD - got to hug her and took a picture. He had also met Jimmy Choo and got him to autograph a worn out sneakers. Lucky devil.

Reflecting on my blessings and opportunities, I too, had not done so bad myself. But not as glamorous as meeting the two above.

Today, I met the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, in person... but with no Kodak moment to display. But, I was fortunate to be sent as a representative to the first ever Japan-Malaysia Business Forum held in MO earlier. It was attended by our very own PM, Pak Lah, and among others, the Chairman of Mitsubishi and Canon, BNM Governor, Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar, CEO of IRDA, and Tan Sri Azman Hashim. Hah. Funnily, this one, I have a picture to commemorate!

Being the nerd by nature I am, I also recalled last year - where I had a dream I met Tun Mahathir, outside a mosque, and I wanted to shake his hand badly but couldn't due to wudhu', I actually put my hand inside my shirt as covering layer! Renny AND Abg Saiful had a good time laughing about this dream. In line of mentioning blessings, few months down the road, I DID meet Tun at a wedding and got to shake his hand without having to seluk down my baju kurung for covering layer. Hahaha! I also met Tun Siti Asmah at the event.

And, I also met Megawati Sukarno Putri last year at a nasi padang restaurant launch, compliments of my boss.

On another geeky note, I managed to set a meeting with IMO in London and here's some evident on events that have made my life (I'd like to think) more exciting! I am TRULY grateful to count among much of the blessings I have been given.

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