Sunday, August 31, 2008

Of Ramadhan

Haha. Never thought I'd post a post under that name.

Today marks the first day of Ramadhan, 1st September 2008.

I think for the second? third? year already, I've not been welcoming its arrival. And not for voluntary reasons, and you know what it is. Perhaps its a metaphore - of a particular subject that I'm not welcoming too.

Anyway, last Friday, 29 Aug, marked another first for me. First time to a driving range. Finally! It's been almost a year since I've had the intention to start golf and here it comes.

We went to Kiara, with Rams and Amir, and I got me my first white golf gloves :)

It was fun, but probably I gripped the clubs to hard - my hands still hurt from Friday (today's Monday). Fun because it triggers focus and patience, I guess. But hey, that was only my one first time. I can't wait to get addicted to it!

Yesterday was Merdeka, so today's public holiday. Aleef's at home and its been a lazy weekend for all of us, except yesterday when Mama had a bunch of guests. Tiring.

Last week on 28th was Fahimi's birthday and this week on 5th will be Papa's.

I ran a 5.7km yesterday, which is one full round at UM, plus the very steep hill at 10th (that I dreamt about last night) at 47 minutes. Coincidentally, when I was just about done, there was a competitive run for the API students, I think. The female were all clad in hijjab. By the way, I supposed to run with Fahimi, but he didn't wake up. And I sorta sensed it coming when I was driving to UM yesterday morning. Probably I was thinking too much about it, that he appeared in my dream where we both conquered that steep hill at 10th together. Haha.

So yeah, Raya will be around the corner. Can't wait to see what surprises it holds for us this year. Think positive, cause a positive thought can't be denied. Be healthy. Be happy :)

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