Monday, July 30, 2007

Of Traffic Jams and Signal Lights

An average time spent in the morning traffic for me is 50 minutes per day.

That's 250 minutes per week, 1 000 minutes per month, 12 000 minutes per year which equals to 200 hours. If time spent to go home is also considered, that's an average of 400 hours per year which is approximately 9% of my waking hour spent just to face the traffic!

What upsets me is courtesy of Malaysian drivers. Not only they forget that their cars are actually equipped with signal lights, they do not acknowledge that people (like me) DO give way to these selfish bastards. It's bad enough that they are cutting queues, is it SO DIFFICULT to utilise the index finger to flick on the signal lights? Bus drivers (to much more annoyance) are not exempted. How did their license get approved anyway?!

Yes, I am grumbling.

The other day, I was waiting to cross to the other side of a road in front of a yellow box. A YELLOW BOX. Correct me if I'm wrong, shouldn't this space be emptied to be able for people from one side of the road to cross to the other? And then, the driver IN the YELLOW BOX insisted that HE should remain IN the yellow box instead of giving way, although the traffic flow on his side of lane is barely moving! The guts! I hate when people give out long honks, cause I think it doesn't make any difference than giving out an average short one, but at the moment - I cranked out a long one. That's how upset I was.

My question is, how did we get to this stage? Why are we so selfish? We all have our stresses at work, which is supposed to make us share a common goal of NOT getting anymore stress on the road! I would recommend the authority to step in and monitor the level of selfishness during peak hours. Summon all the queue cutters and non-signal users! Now wouldn't you think that'll be a good way to raise funds for the Traffic Police?

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