Friday, August 24, 2007
Of Blessings and Opportunities
Reflecting on my blessings and opportunities, I too, had not done so bad myself. But not as glamorous as meeting the two above.
Today, I met the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, in person... but with no Kodak moment to display. But, I was fortunate to be sent as a representative to the first ever Japan-Malaysia Business Forum held in MO earlier. It was attended by our very own PM, Pak Lah, and among others, the Chairman of Mitsubishi and Canon, BNM Governor, Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar, CEO of IRDA, and Tan Sri Azman Hashim. Hah. Funnily, this one, I have a picture to commemorate!
Being the nerd by nature I am, I also recalled last year - where I had a dream I met Tun Mahathir, outside a mosque, and I wanted to shake his hand badly but couldn't due to wudhu', I actually put my hand inside my shirt as covering layer! Renny AND Abg Saiful had a good time laughing about this dream. In line of mentioning blessings, few months down the road, I DID meet Tun at a wedding and got to shake his hand without having to seluk down my baju kurung for covering layer. Hahaha! I also met Tun Siti Asmah at the event.
And, I also met Megawati Sukarno Putri last year at a nasi padang restaurant launch, compliments of my boss.
On another geeky note, I managed to set a meeting with IMO in London and here's some evident on events that have made my life (I'd like to think) more exciting! I am TRULY grateful to count among much of the blessings I have been given.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Tie a Ribbon on My Finger
But research shows there's a lot you can do to improve your memory. And if you do, it can help you function in more ways than you'd think. There are 6 main types of memory, which help us interpret and store different types of information. You scored highest in numeric memory. That kind of memory allows you to remember things like phone numbers, numerical addresses, and dollar amounts. You probably also have a knack for recalling people's birthdays, phone numbers and important dates in history, too. But this represents just one of the six categories of memory that keep your mind sharp and allow you to function every day. How well did you do in the other areas? How can you improve your memory to make life easier and keep your brain active? What does the way you process information say about you?
Understanding Your Memory
Why Does Memory Matter?Memory takes place in the area of the brain known as the hippocampus. You rely on your memory almost every second of every day, using it for everything from remembering which day of the week it is, to bigger things like how to do your job, or which bus to take or where to do your grocery shopping. Your memory allows you to remember the people in your life, all of the experiences that you have had, as well as what you plan to do each day and how you do it. Without memory, you would be a blank screen, stripped of all previous knowledge and experiences.How Memory WorksMemory can be broken down into two distinct parts: short-term memory, which lasts about 30 seconds, and long-term memory, which starts after that 30 seconds and can potentially last a lifetime. There are three factors that help your brain determine which information to transfer to your long-term memory. The first is your degree of attention and concentration. Multi-tasking obviously decreases your ability to commit something to memory since your attention is only partially directed towards one activity. For example, if you watch TV while you study, you will likely have a much harder time transferring that information into your long-term memory because you'll be stimulated by what you're trying to learn, by what's on the TV and by what's going on around you, too. The second factor is the meaningfulness of the information; if something impacts you directly or seems important or interesting to you, it's more likely to stick in your long-term memory. The third and final factor is how well new information fits with your existing knowledge. If new information builds upon something you've already stored in your long-term memory, it's more likely to associate with the existing information in your mind and lodge itself into your memory.Short-term memory, then, is seen as the gateway to your long-term memory. The more something captures your interest and attention, and the more important that information is to you, the more likely it'll be stored in your long-term memory. Information that is repeatedly used and built upon tends to become a stronger long-term memory. However, certain special information can lodge itself into your mind indefinitely without following these standard memory rules. Let's now turn our attention to these unique types of memories.Flash Bulb MemoryHave you ever wondered why you can remember certain days or events in your life so much better than others? How is it that you can sometimes hear or see something just one time, and remember it for the rest of your life? Scientists call these kinds of memories "flash bulb" memories. These memories stand out because of their powerful emotional content, a unique aspect that allows you to recall that memory that much more easily. For instance, Americans who were alive when President Kennedy was shot often recall the vivid details of when they heard the news — including who told them, where they were, how they felt, and other surrounding circumstances. Another example of this would be remembering with exceptional clarity a day of personal trauma, such as the death of a loved one. While these memories aren't always completely accurate, they do serve as an example of how emotional content can enhance the storage of a memory.
Your Score
The 6 Dimensions of Memory
Understanding Your Memory
Improving Your Memory
Answer Key
Further Reading...
Improving Your Memory
The more information we can store and recall, the smarter we feel. Memory is crucial to the whole process of learning and retaining knowledge, both of which increase your perceived intelligence. After all, without memory, how could you show off your expertise in Renaissance Art or 1950's cars? However, a good memory isn't necessarily an indicator of a high IQ. Instead, it is a mark of effective learning and synthesizing strategies, as well as your genetic makeup.Since your memory can indeed be molded, the most important thing in strengthening your memory is to keep your mind active. Just as you exercise your body, you need to exercise your mind. If you continue to challenge yourself, your brain literally keeps growing. With use, your brain can develop new dendrites — the connections between the nerve cells in your brain — which helps your memory in retrieving and storing information.Although research does indicate that the strength of your memory is partially dependent on your hereditary genes, there are some specific things that researchers suggest for enhancing your memory.
What Was Your Name Again?
Are you one of those people who just can't seem to remember the names of new people? While it's a common problem, forgetting someone's name isn't the best way to make a first impression. Here's one technique to help you better play the name game:
Tell yourself to pay attention. So many of us assume we won't remember a name, or are so focused on what's going on in the situation, that we don't really try to remember the person's name. But our brain listens to us when we tell it what we want to take in; paying particularly close attention is the way to signal that important information is coming.
Associate the person's name with a defining characteristic. Our brains like to cluster information to solidify it. So instead of just thinking, "Sheila," try thinking, "Sheila, the pilot," or "Sheila, with those great hazel eyes." When picking something to associate with the person's name, choose something that interests you or seems intriguing (or, for that matter, unappealing or irritating). This will help the person stand out in your mind and cement the name in your memory.
Repeat the person's name. You can think the name and characteristic silently to yourself during the conversation. You may also want to say the person's name at least once, but probably no more than twice, during the conversation. Try to end with something like, "It was nice talking to you, Sheila."
Have a review session with yourself. Later, when thinking over the conversation, recall the person's name again to help further impress their name in your memory.
Forgetfulness Got Your Tongue?
You know you know it, you just can't remember it. It's on the tip of your tongue. How can you bring it from the deep, dark recesses of your mind? Here are a few ideas to job your memory:
Give yourself a break. Literally. Sometimes pushing to remember just drives the memory away, whereas taking a few minutes to let your mind wander or focus on something else can sometimes be more successful in allowing your mind to recall the word. Or you can allow yourself to think of something associated that leads you to remember the word.
Use the ABCs. If you're trying to remember a word, or the name of a street or store or person, try going through the alphabet. If you have a visual image of what you're looking for, hold it in your mind as you scan each letter of the alphabet. Some letters will be easy to discard, while others will linger in your mind, often leading you to recall the word you're looking for.
Try to scan your mind for associations. For example, if you're trying to think of the name of a store, imagine the clerk, the atmosphere, the products, the stores on either side. As you form a more complete memory, the image of the store's sign or logo may come into your mind. The basic idea is to find things that you've associated with the name, in hopes that those things will bring the name to the surface of your memory.
Numbers, Numbers Everywhere
Phone numbers, birth dates, addresses, dollar amounts, and passwords are just some of the ways that numbers flood our lives. Remembering these can prove challenging for many of us, because strings of numbers are more abstract than strings of letters. For example, memorizing "8583938759309354" is going to take much longer than memorizing the word "associations" or the name "Sheila." There are many intricate systems to help people remember longer numbers. One of the most basic ways is to associate each number with a letter, also known as "pegging." There are numerous ways to attempt pegging, depending on how long the number is that you need to remember. A simplified version of pegging can be used for remembering phone numbers, especially since most phones have letters on the keypad to correspond with each number. Here's an example:
Choose the number you want to remember. In this instance, say you get assigned the phone number 523-9369, and you want to come up with a corresponding word or phrase to help you remember it.
Write down the possible letters for each number on the key pad. For instance, for the 5, you can use J, K, or L. For the next number in the sequence, 2, you can use A, B, or C.
Once you have all the letter possibilities down, it's time to put your thinking cap on and get creative, making a word or phrase out of the number. With the particular number sequence, you can spell the words, "LADY FOX." It takes a bit of time to think up a good word from the letters you have to choose from, but once a word is in place for a number, you're much less likely to forget it. "Chunking" is another method that you can use to remember hard-to-recall numbers. It involves breaking up long series of numbers into more memorable sections, primarily by inserting hyphens. Phone numbers and social security numbers are already formatted in this way to make them easier to recall (555-9663 is much more memorable than 5559663).Whenever you're trying to memorize a longer number, you can group the series into smaller groups. For instance, if you have to memorize a number like 98584893939393904894, you can more easily remember it as 9858-4893-9393-9390-4894. To make it even easier, you could then employ your pegging skills to come up with five words that could correspond to these five sections of numbers.
Memory Food
The strength of your memory is based at least partially on what you eat. Here are some things that studies suggest can help feed your brain right:
Drink plenty of liquids, especially water. A lack of water can lead to dehydration, leaving you feeling tired and making it harder to concentrate. Additionally, try to limit coffee and soda, as sugar and caffeine can interfere with your thinking.
Eat a well-balanced diet that has fresh fruits and vegetables, adequate amounts of protein, and complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice or whole-wheat bread. Foods like these that are rich in antioxidants can nourish and protect your brain cells.
Consider taking one of the supplements believed to enhance memory power. Some of these include gingko biloba (which shouldn't be used by people on blood thinners), Calcium-Magnesium, or antioxidants like Vitamin C. As with any supplement, make sure you are aware of all potential side-effects.
Try to limit your alcohol intake. Drinking more than one or two glasses of alcohol per day can have a negative impact on the memory centers of your brain, thus impairing your recall abilities.
Stay Positive
You aren't the only one who has forgotten your best friend's birthday. And you certainly aren't the first person to spend hours searching for the sunglasses that were resting on the top of your head all along. So, don't be hard on yourself if you forget something. Remember that everyone has difficulty remembering things and very few people have perfect memories.The best thing you can do is to keep a positive attitude when your memory fails you. After all, if you start to worry that your memory is declining, that anxiety will only interfere with your ability to remember even more.
Not A Genius
Congratulations, Faz!Your IQ score is 118
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
You've got a very experiential way of learning and a strong mathematical mind. You're able to whittle even the most complex situation down to comprehensible component parts. In short, you have mastered the art and science of precision. That's what makes you a Precision Processor. For you, life is a series of equations. Your brain is naturally predisposed to intense mathematical acuity, and your understanding of numerical problems is unparalleled. It's second nature for you to cut to the heart of an issue, so that you can discover quick solutions to problems while others get bogged down in unnecessary details.
One Precision Processor that comes to mind is the Greek philosopher-mathematician, Pythagoras. Pythagoras had a mind for numbers and, as such, could come up with previously unknown theories like his method for calculating the sides of a right triangle (a2+b2=c2). You too, can use numbers to translate aspects of the world around you — something that doesn't come easily to everyone. Your quick mathematical mind will allow you to communicate a variety of ideas to other people, so don't keep it to yourself. Precision Processors can apply their mathematical skills to any situation involving numbers. That's a talent that will come in handy for everything from the workplace to splitting a bill 12 ways to converting foreign currency in your head. Others often look to you to do the math and luckily, you're well equipped.
Great Jobs For You
Because of the way you process information, these are just some of the many careers in which you could excel:
Data Analyst
Some of Your Greatest Talents
You've got tons of strengths. It wouldn't surprise us if you:
Are resourceful
Are detail oriented
Are highly efficient & economical
Are lightening quick with responses
Think in numbers
Are experimental
Now let's look at the factors that contribute to you being a Precision Processor with a 118 IQ score. Based on the results of your test, Tickle divided your scores into four distinguishable dimensions — mathematical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, linguistic intelligence and logic intelligence. Here's how each of your intelligence scores break down: Mathematical Intelligence
Your Mathematical Percentile
You scored in the 70th percentile on the mathematical intelligence scale.This means that you scored higher than 60% - 70% of people who took the test and that 30% - 40% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually. Your mathematical intelligence score represents your combined ability to reason and calculate. You scored relatively high, which means you're probably the one your friends look to when splitting the lunch bill or calculating your waitresses' tip. You may or may not be known as a math whiz, but number crunching might come a little easier to you than it does others. This is the kind of question that helped to determine your mathematical intelligence score: A boy is 4 years old and his sister is three times as old as he is. When the boy is 12 years old, how old will his sister be? 16, 20, 24, 28, 32. answer: 20.The sister is (3 )three times older than her (4) four-year-old brother. Three times 4 is 12, in other words, when he is four, she is 12. Twelve years old is 8 years older than 4 years old, which makes her 8 years older than him. This never changes. Therefore, when he is 12, she is still 8 years older, or 12+8=20.
Flexing Your Math Muscles
Like anything, keeping or improving your math talents requires practice. Here are some everyday mental exercises that could be particularly helpful to you:
Balancing your checkbook
Figuring out your monthly budget
Predicting what the change will be the next time you buy something
Calculating your waitperson's tip in your head Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Your Visual-Spatial Percentile
You scored in the 50th percentile on the visual-spatial intelligence scale.This means that you scored higher than 40% - 50% of people who took the test and that 50% - 60% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually. The visual-spatial component of intelligence measures your ability to extract a visual pattern and from that envision what should come next in a sequence. Your score was relatively low, meaning you might leave the map reading, chess playing and metaphor forming to your friends. These are all skills that come a little easier to people who tend to think in pictures.
Vision Quest
Like anything, keeping or improving visual-spatial talents requires some practice.
Here are some everyday mental exercises that will be particularly helpful to you:
Playing chess, or video games like Tetris
Studying maps and become the navigator on your next trip
Sculpting or photography
Your Linguistic Percentile
You scored in the 50th percentile on the linguistic intelligence scale.This means that you scored higher than 40% - 50% of people who took the test and that 50% - 60% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually. Linguistic abilities include reading, writing and communicating with words. Tickle's test measures knowledge of vocabulary, ease in completing word analogies and the ability to think critically about a statement based on its semantic structure. Your score was relatively low, which could just mean that you convey ideas through other means than verbally. Or maybe it just means you find other ways to spend your time than doing crossword puzzles. Here's the type of question that contributed to your linguistic intelligence scale score: Inept is the opposite of:Answer: Skillful. The answer is derived by prior knowledge that "inept" means "unskillful" (Oxford Concise Dictionary).
Word Power
Like anything, keeping or improving linguistic talents requires some practice. Here are some everyday mental exercises that will be particularly helpful to you:
Doing crossword puzzles
Start reading just for fun
Befriending your dictionary
The next time something breaks, try reading the instruction book first Logical Intelligence
Your Logical Percentile
You scored in the 60th percentile on the logical intelligence scale.This means that you scored higher than 50% - 60% of people who took the test and that 40% - 50% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually. Tickle's logical intelligence questions assess your ability to think things through. The questions determine the extent to which you use reasoning and logic to determine the best solution to a problem. Your logic score was relatively high, which could mean that when the car breaks down, your friends look to you to help figure out not only what's wrong, but how to fix it and how you're going to get to the next gas station. Here's the kind of question that contributed to your logical intelligence score: If some Wicks are Slicks and some Slicks are Snicks, then some Wicks are definitely Snicks. Answer: FalseThe statement is false because while some Wicks might be Slicks, there is no conclusive proof that any of them might be Snicks.
Logic Lessons
Like anything, keeping or improving logical talents requires some practice. Here are some everyday mental exercises that will be particularly helpful to you:
Trying some brain teasers
Throwing away the instructions and relying on instinct to fix something
Playing chess
Of Other Things To Do
Of other things to do:
1. Attend World Cup and/or Olympics
2. Visit all continents
3. Ski on real snow
4. Diving
5. Go on a cruise
6. Learn a classical music piece by heart
7. Cook! Bake! Anything edible out of the kitchen!
8. Plant a tree on my birthday
9. Skydive
10. Fly a plane
11. Test drive a Ferrari and/or Maserati (yum)
12. Be fluent in another language (Arabic? Mandarin? Japanese? French?)
I've just finished reading about David Ogilvy. Loved it. Such colorful personality. I think I've found an ambition. It doesn't matter that I have so many interests, Jack of Trades, I'd like to think. It could turn out to be an advantage, not a weakness like I've always instilled in my thoughts.
Some favorite parts from An Autobiography: David Ogilvy is in Chapter 6, Fame and Fortune.
From page 129, which summary of his principles upon appointing leaders for his offices:
Some ways to control office politics:
1. Always be fair in your own dealings; unfairness at the top can demoralize an agency
2. Never hire relatives or friends
3. Sack incurable politicians
4. Crusade against paper warfare. Encourage your people to air their disagreements face-to-face.
A vital factor in morale is THE POSTURE OF THE BOSS.
If he is miserable, it will filter down through the ranks, and make the whole office miserable.
You must ALWAYS be CONTAGIOUSLY cheerful. (most favorite of favorite parts)
Superior service to our clients depends on making the most of our people. Give them challenging opportunities, recognition for achievement, job enrichment, and the maximum responsibility. Treat them as grown ups - and they will grow up. Help them when they are in difficulty. Be affectionate and human.
Pg 130 - Encourage your staff to be candid with you. Ask their advice - and listen to it. Ogilvy & Mather offices should not be structured like an army, with overprivileged officers and underpriviliged subordinates. Top bananas have no monopoly on ideas.
If you hire people who are bigger than you are, Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants; if you hire people who are less than you are, we shall become a company of dwarfs.
More of things I love from Ogilvy:
- The beginning of success is to be DIFFERENT, the beginning of failure is to be the same
- A Scottish proverb: Hard work never killed a man. Men die of BOREDOM, psychological conflict, and disease. The harder people work, the happier they are. (so true)
It is as difficult to sustain happy partnerships as to sustain happy marriages. Our partners should have these qualities:
- Stability, guts under pressure, resilience in adversity, deep keels
- Brilliant brains - not safe plodders
- Commitment to hard work
- A streak of unorthodoxy
- The guts to face tough decisions, including firing nonperformers
- Inspiring enthusiasm
- Speed in grasping nettles (ie: annoyance!)
On other lessons:
- You cannot bore people into buying your product, you can only interest them in buying it. You cannot save souls in an empty church!
- The consumer is not a moron, she is your wife. Try not to insult her intelligence.
- Advertising should be true, credible, and pleasant. People do not buy from bad-mannered-liars.
- The most important ingredient in any agency is the ability of the top man to lead his troops (addendum: conventional wisdom says that leadership is a function of three factors - the leader himself, the people he has to lead, and the situation)
Quote: I do not believe that fear is an ingredient in good leadership. People do their best work in a happy atmosphere. The physicists who first split the atom in Niels Bohr's lab were always playing practical jokes on each other.
Great leaders exude self-confidence. They are never petty. They are never buck-passers. They are resilient. They pick themselves up after defeat.
It does a company no good when its leader refuses to share his leadership functions with his liutenants. The more centers of leadership you find in a company, the stronger it will become. That is how Ogilvy & Mather became strong.
And I shamelessly told my Director, he is similar to Ogilvy. Hah. Talk about Incurable Politicians!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Day of the Resurrection
Where I saw hills crumble and explosions on land and explosions in the seas then oil rigs crashed as if it were sticks. And darkened skies and a black hole that seemed to be waiting to swallow everything in.
I was in a cab, on the phone crying, speaking to my mother and brothers and telling them how much I loved them and I was sorry for everything I've done and I was sorry I was far away and I couldn't be with them. And the cab driver seemed to be driving skillfully, avoiding the explosions that came up surprisingly on the roads. He was supposed to drive me home, but we past by estates and saw fishes but they were with wings, and were flying past me, to the left side of where I was heading.
Then the driver said we've arrived, but it was not my home. I told him he'd gotten me wrong, this is not the address I mentioned... And he had to turn back.
But what came out of my mouth was my address located in Penang. Penang. I don't know any addresses in Penang.
Then I called my best friend, to check how she was doing... And I was crying. And then she said her sister wants to talk to me, saying that we should hang out at the beach when I get to the UK. And, I was like, hey, sure no problem mate.
Then it ended there.
Weird. Weird. Weird dream.
But I was scared. Really. And I pray that I wouldn't live to witness the Last Hour. And I pray that I pass all His tests on earth. And I pray for a lot of things. And I need to. And I want to. Want to.
At a time unknown to man, but preordained [1], when people least expect it, Allah will give permission for the Qiyâmah to begin. The archangel Israfil, referred to as the Caller, will sound a horn sending out a "Blast of Truth" (Qur'an 50.37-42, 69.13-18, 74.8, 78.18). This event is also found in Jewish eschatology, in the Jewish belief of "The Day of the Blowing of the Shofar", Yom Terua and in Ezekiel 33:6:
All men and women fall unconscious,[citation needed] Those who were evil, did not believe in God's will power or did bad things will be engulfed in hellfire.[2] On the other hand, those who truly believe in God, and are pious, referred to as Al-Ghurr-ul-Muhajjalun[3] due to the trace of ritual ablution performed during their lives, repent their sin and return to "jannah (the Garden) beneath which rivers flow".[4] The world is destroyed. The dead rise from their graves and gather, waiting to be judged for their actions.[5]
The Quran also states that good actions of non-believers will not be wasted. "anyone who has an atom's worth of goodness will see it and anyone who has done an atom's worth of evil will also see it" (Quran 99:7-8). By that, it is meant that those who are non- believers but have done good will be rewarded in this world for their good deed. On the other hand, those who do good if they are Muslims, they will be rewarded not only in this world but also in the world hereafter. However, the final Judgment is up to God himself. (Quran 2:62) [[2]]
"He questions: "When is the Day of Resurrection?". At length, when the sight is dazed, And the moon is buried in darkness. And the sun and moon are joined together." (75.6-9)
This ayat is interpreted in many ways. Classical commentators Al-Jalalayn, Al-Tabari and Al-Qortobi interpret this verse as meaning that the sun and moon are joined in darkness, rather than physically merged together.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Time Tested Beauty Tips
I'm fasting today and cranky as hell. It should be the reverse! How unfulfilling! I have become this ugly person that I hate... I've always been indecisive and now I'm adding dumb to the list. How much worse can it get? I'm starting to blame my environment and tend to soak in my failures. Instead of being motivated to get up and get it right, I prefer to sit on my ass and evolve into a grumpy old maid. The lines of my face are constantly clouded and nothing pleasant exudes from it. I am craving to get out of here. I am craving for change. And I know that only crazy people expect changes by not doing anything. I know, I know but am I doing anything about it?
I love Audrey Hepburn. It's the face. It's the style. It's the kindness, perhaps. I yearn to be a kind person, carefree and joyful. I need to remind myself time and time again and take to heart the Time Tested Beauty Tips:
For attractive lips
Speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes
seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure
share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair
let a child run his fingers through it once a day.
For poise
walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone.
People, even more than things,
have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed and redeemed.
Never throw out anybody.
Remember, if you need a helping hand
you'll find one at the end of your arm.
As you grow older
you will discover that you have two hands,
one for helping yourself
the other for helping others.
- Sam Levenson